Day 110: Safari - Full Day #1 - Elephants, Lions, Giraffes etc.

This morning, we set a 5 a.m. alarm to be ready for our first full safari day. That means leaving the tent at 5:30 a.m., walking along the boardwalk to the main lodge, and partaking in a civilized early morning tea/coffee and biscuits. The temperature is definitely on the cooler side, so you need multiple layers and long pants to combat the chill. Our jeep is a tricked-out, converted Land Cruiser. It has three cushioned rows of three seats, open sides, and a cloth roof (with roll bars). Our tour guide, Kingsley (call me "Kings") gave us a brief safety talk, and then off we went. The safari consists of about three hours in the jeep, driving at various speeds along dirt roads and tracks through the bush. We quickly learned that Allison would be the chief spotter for the three couples, assisted by Laurie. Allison's ability to find animals hiding in the bush was quite amazing, to the point that Kings asked "So, Allison, what do you see?" multiple times. It was ...