Day 53: A Question Of Money

Tomorrow, Leap Year Day, February 29th, we will land in Sydney, Australia. It's a country so big that it always feels like you've only seen a tiny fraction of it whenever you leave. So we'll be hitting different ports over eleven days, and I'll write up each of those. One quirky thing I've always loved about Australia is the banknotes. Almost every country has far more exciting and colorful banknotes than the US. They're all a uniform green (aka the greenback) and a uniform six inches long. Which is great as a standby tape measure but otherwise incredibly dull. Australia was the first country to develop and circulate the polypropylene polymer notes. These are way more durable (you cannot tear them with your hands), easier to clean, and 100% recyclable. They also got smart and eliminated the $1 note in 1984 and the $2 note in 1988. (cough, cough - US Treasury, take note: even the Brits have done this!!) The Aussie technology is so good that they either print ...